With the rapid development of new structures and buildings (commercial towers, residential towers, shopping complexes, hotels, etc.), the design and implementation of green landscapes are becoming more and more favorable for Architects to implement to soften and enhance the aesthetics for their buildings.
Incorporation of green landscapes into a building’s Reinforced Concrete Roof can not only enhance the aesthetics of a building but can also bring numerous ecological, technical and benefits to the building’s owner.
Owner Benefits:
- Additional usable space for their building
- Creates a therapeutic environment
- Contribute to Green Building Index points structure
- Image/Prestige (additional benefits to design awards requirements)
Technical Benefits:
- Storm water retention
- Additional thermal resistance
- Reduce noise transmission
Technical Benefits:
- Storm water retention
- Additional thermal resistance
- Reduce noise transmission
What is Monolithic Membrane Green Roof Assembly System?
CHEMIND’s Green Roof Assembly System can expand the livable space of a building through the integration of hardscape areas with lush landscaped areas of lawn and other vegetation. We use our Monolithic Membrane 6125 (MM 6125) as the waterproofing system for our Garden Roof Assembly along with the right drainage/water retention technology to accomodate the loads of the vegetation and soil media as well as the flow and discharge capacities of water in the subsoil.
Unlike conventional waterproofing membranes in the market such as TPO membranes, PVC membranes and liquid-applied polyurethane waterproofing systems, our MM 6125 (r) is perfectly designed and suited for landscape waterproofing. The system hold such benefits:
- There are no seams to fail (avoiding costly human installation error) as the membrane is completely monolithic.
- The system bonds directly to the substrates, restricting lateral water movement if damaged
- Can be installed on substrates with little or no slope
- Easy to detail all critical penetrations and terminations
- Resistant to fertilizers and other mild acids
- No VOC restrictions, contain no Heavy Metals or PVCs
- Installed ONLY by authorised and trained applicators
Over Two Billions of Square Feet of MM 6125 (r) installed in over 80 countries!